Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Khloe Kardashian: Trust & Forgiveness Are Her Brand
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
On this episode of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we feature Khloe Kardashian in our celebrity divorce series and focus on the issues of Trust and Forgiveness.
You will learn:
- What Trust is
- How Forgiveness factors into the healing of breached Trust
- The difference between Misplaced Trust and Earned Trust
- Why it matters that people take time to learn about one another before trusting in them and marrying them
- How ego plays into someone’s ability to be trusted with monogamy
- Cheating doesn’t just mean sexually
- Where a foundation of Trust comes from
- When there is an irreputable breakdown in a relationship with children to co-parent and how that works
- That accepting the reality of our intended partners is essential
- How to go from betrayal to gratitude
#khloekardashian #trust #misplacedtrust #earned trust #forgiveness #tristanthompson #lamarodom #marriage #divorce #coparents #coparenting #therapy #fallinginlove #selfrespect #infidenlity #relationshipfraud #judithweigle #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
In the world of relationships and marriage, people look for that one relationship that completes them, that makes them happy, and that last forever. But divorce statistics suggest otherwise. Choosing the right person and leaving that person at the right time are essential to living an authentic life.
You will learn how to:
- Approach marriage and relationships in a nontraditional way
- Gage the energy and dynamic of a relationship and the value of that for a strong relationship
- When to know if the marriage can and should be saved
- How did you learn to choose relationships, and what did you learn about those choices
- Learn from the past relationship to choose better future ones
- Be honest and authentic in relationship choices
- Differentiate being a victim from how people assess their own power
- Find your sense of self-worth and self-esteem
- Understand that Men need to be Needed and Women want to be Wanted
- Recognize the signs that the relationship isn’t right, and what to do if that happens
- Use your energy to live your best life and have your best relationships
- Recognize if you’re open to receiving the gifts of life
- Understand that love and money are the same energy
- Reassess what marriage means
- How to show up for yourself and be the authentic person you are
- Break free of social constructs in relationship expectations
- Have a strong relationship without Cheating and leading Double Lives (financial ruin, addiction, adultery)
- Understand the difference between Values Alignment vs Vibration Alignment
- Understand that we are never rejected; we repel the relationships causing them to change dynamic
Biography of Deborah Peters
Deborah Peters of the Neuro-Engineering Institute is a Psychologist, Mind-Set Expert, Business Coach, and host of The Journey of the Mastery of Your Mind. Deborah offers individual coaching, retreats, workshops and keynotes for continued education and personal and business success.
#neuroengineering #mindset #marriage #relationships #divorce #values #authenticity #energyrealignment #valuesrealignment #personalpower #debroahpeters #judithweigle #theamicabledivorceexpert #theJourneyoftheMasteryofYourMind #energy #mindenergy #personalenergy
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wendy Tamis Robbins, Esq. suffered from anxiety in childhood that continues into her adult life. Wendy will share what it was like going through anxiety and panic attacks as a child, through a law career, a first marriage, with the journey she describes in her book The Box, and in her second marriage.
You will learn:
- What it’s like growing up in an emotionally and physically volatile home
- How anxiety is an outgrowth of a volatile home life
- How anxiety pervades someone’s life
- The difference between anxiety and panic disorders
- There are different types of anxiety, manifested in different ways
- How to deal with the triggers that create panic attacks
- Why people fight for a failed marriage – at first
- How to deal with the fear of getting divorced
- How do you know IF you have a failed marriage is you are a child of a failed parental relationship
- Falling in Love vs Landing in Love
- The importance of sharing ourselves with our potential spouses before marriage
- Why children cannot be a bonding mechanism between spouses
- How we build new boxes to hide in emotionally
- Creating a facade to cover up our insecurities, imperfections, and lack of real connection in a relationship
- The difference between growing apart and not growing together from the start
- When do you know when you really know someone
- How to break free from the emotional Box people create for themselves
- The importance of authenticity and expressing vulnerabilities
- How shame limits vulnerability and authenticity
- How a failed marriage can lead to a better life
#anxiety #panicattacks #wendytamisrobbins #theBox #mentalhealth #divorce #fallinginlove #authenticity #vulnerability #trust #fear #failedmarriage #step-mom #relationships #communication #panicdisorders #love #marriage #emotionalbarriers #drbrenebrown #brenebrown #shame #unlovable #abandonment #JudithWeigle #TheAmicableDivorceExpert #podcast #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce #intuition
Wendy Tamis Robbins, Esq. Biography
Wendy Tamis Robbins is an attorney in Boston, an Anxiety Coach, Author of The Box, Speaker, and host of the Perfectly Panicked podcast.
Wendy has suffered from anxiety and panic attacks all her life. Part of this mental health condition came from her upbringing and part her own issue with authentically expressing herself. As her first marriage ended, Wendy started getting in touch with the reasons for anxiety and panic, and set about changing her life.
She wrote The Box to metaphorically express how she felt in terms of limiting her vulnerability by being less than authentic. Wendy broke out of the imaginary box she put herself in to protect and shield her from the world. The Box is a book that represents Wendy’s freedom from anxiety.
Wendy also provides workshops to help others get out of their self-imposed boxes, address and deal with anxiety and panic attacks, and live an authentic life full of joy.
Facebook: wendytamisrobbinsthebox.com
IG: wendy_tamis_robbins/
LinkedIn: wendy-tamis-robbins-bg806g1b8/
Twitter: WTRobbins
You Tube: UCYicry8lg7dZDVmnWBHLfJg
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
In this episode you will learn the following:
- What is Burnout?
- Why do people become burned out?
- What are the signs of Burnout?
- How does Burnout express itself at home and at work?
- How do people determine where Burnout is coming from?
- How can people address Burnout?
- What are some behavioral changes people can make to go from Burnout to Balance?
- How can those of us seeing a loved one or co-worker who might be experiencing Burnout help them?
Dr. Drea Letamendi Biography
Dr. Drea Letamendi (she/her/ella) is a licensed psychologist and consultant who specializes in organizational development, mental health training, and corporate wellness. She is a fellow at the Institute of Coaching at the Harvard School of Medicine affiliate, McLean, and serves as the Director of Resilience at UCLA, where she designs and activates mental health initiatives and prepares leaders with crisis intervention and field response protocols.
As a wellbeing strategist, her passion is fostering curiosity, enthusiasm, and capacity for enhancing work-life health, belongingness, and equanimity among ambitious teams. Dr. Drea is a TEDx speaker and delivered TED sessions on "Resilience and Media During a Pandemic," as part of the special COVID-19 series. She’s published several articles and chapters about the positive impacts of media storytelling on mental health, and this work has been featured in the Atlantic, the Guardian, the Los Angeles Times, and on Disney+. Her podcast, "The Arkham Sessions," examines pop culture and its impact on our mental health.
Email: drdreapsychology@gmail.com
Web: drdreapsychology.com
Social media: @ArkhamAsylumDoc
#burnout #lifebalance #workplaceburnout #divorceburnout #depression #selfcare #wellnessprograms #behavioralchange #DrDreaLetamendi #TheAmicableDivorceExpert #TheAmicableDivorceExpertpodcast #TheArkhamSessions #JudithMWeigle #JudithWeigle #podcast #divorcepodcast #mentalhealth #mentalhealthchallenges
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Kind of lost on whether Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock are actually divorced yet, but the news report is that they are at least back to amicable co-parenting on the Montana ranch. The ranch was in the settlement dispute.
The topics for discussion on this episode are:
- Amicable co-parenting post litigation
- The Difficulties in a relationship when the woman out earns the man
- Spousal Support vs Child Support
What you will learn is:
- Why it’s hard to amicably co-parent when in the middle of divorce litigation
- How to get back to amicable co-parenting
- The importance of amicable co-parenting
- The damage to the children when co-parents fight
- The issues in divorce when the woman out earns the man
- How our culture still views the earning capacity of each gender
- Why men who make less than women (even if they have a very respectable salary) ask for more than the law allows in the division of assets
- What men should understand in a high net worth divorce settlement if their wives out earn them
- The intricacies in evaluating Spousal Support
- Lots of factors go into the evaluation of spousal support
- How different states view spousal support
- When spousal support might not be assigned
- Child Support pays for what?
- What the monthly amount of child support pays for
- The average range of child support
- Why it’s important not to argue about where child support is spent
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Here’s what you’ll learn:
.How to have an amicable divorce
.How to find and hire amicable attorneys
.How to reign in time and expense when hiring an attorney
.Why being argumentative doesn’t work
.Who comprises the Amicable Divorce Network
.How to become part of the roster for Amicable Divorce Professionals
.How the Amicable Divorce Network vets for professionals on their list
.How to go from high conflict to amicable again
.How attorneys can deal with their client’s emotions
.How professionals in divorce band together to help their mutual clients
.Collaborative Law and a collaborative team approach
.How The Amicable Divorce Network can work within your budget
.Who controls the attorney-client relationship. Shhhh, it’s the client!
.Fighting isn’t necessary to resolve a marriage
.Lying is a waste of everyone’s time and money
.How to understand the emotions of divorce and the impact emotion has on decision-making
#amicabledivorce #divorcelawyer #collaborativelaw #emotionaldivorce #mediation #TheAmicableDivorceExpert #TheAmicableDivorceNetwork #conflict #divorcetherapy #attorneyfees #divorcecourt #legaldivorce #outofcourtsettlement #divorcesettlementagreement #mediationagreement
Tracy Ann Moore-Grant Biography
Tracy Ann Moore-Grant, Esq. is the founder of the Amicable Divorce Network, established to address a growing need to assist clients who desire to keep their divorce low conflict and to effectively connect them to professionals who are vetted for having a resolution mindset so parties can avoid unnecessary and expensive litigation. The professionals in the Amicable Divorce Network design both the timeline and team for the divorcing parties based on their needs and finances. Ms. Moore-Grant is passionate about helping families navigate the difficult process of divorce in a respectful and family-focused manner and now represents clients exclusively in amicable and uncontested cases. She is also a mediator, arbitrator, parent coordinator, divorce consultant and guardian ad litem.
Ms. Moore-Grant is a registered mediator with both the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution and 9th District ADR for both family law and domestic violence cases as a mediator and arbitrator. She is a step-mother, baker, and schnauzer lover. She is also a Board Member for Mentor Me of North Georgia, contributing writer to My Forsyth Magazine, Mock Trial Coach for Alliance Academy, and teaches Constitutional Law at Lanier Tech. She has achieved an AV Preeminent Judicial Rating from Martindale Hubble, was named a Woman of Forsyth by the Forsyth County News, and has been listed as a Top 10 Female Family Law Attorney in Georgia since 2016. Her firm, Patterson Moore Butler received a Best of Forsyth award in 2022. In 2020, Tracy Ann was personally awarded the Georgia Legal Award for Distinguished Leadership for founding the Amicable Divorce Network, recognizing its positive impact on Georgia family law and families. Ms. Moore-Grant has been a guest on many podcasts and has authored many articles on the topic of amicable divorce.
website: https://www.amicabledivorcenetwork.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amicabledivorcenetwork
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCzk3S9DfTsyCVxeBGyFkXw
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wendy Sterling’s mantra is to “Stand in your own identity. In order to do that we must know our core values.” She created The Divorce Rehab™
Here are topics Wendy will speak to in this interview:
Core Values: Honesty is the biggest value to Wendy. Respect is the second biggest value.
Connection is the third biggest value: Family, Friends, Love
“I betrayed myself because I didn’t stick to my core values’” Wendy Sterling. When Wendy started to recognize how she strayed from what she really wanted in life, she started her path to self-identity and recovery from her old less authentic self.
“Don’t live with should’s. Live with your own core values.”
“A lot of who I became in the marriage was a result of not standing in my own core values, and not communicating what I wanted out of life. I wish I had stood up for what I wanted in the beginning. I stopped trying because I felt unseen.”
Stop being a victim and reclaim your identity and your responsibility in your own life. I played the victim for many years until I lost people in my life and lost my way in my own life choices.
Victim vomiting is a process that keeps you sick and in the place of a victim. Stop sending out invitations to the pity party.
What is the truth about you, your choices, your marriage, and your future? People look at the negative way too much. To heal you must see the good reflection of yourself.
It’s so easy to lose your authentic self by letting the other roles take over: Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend. In order to live in connection with other people we still have to define our own authenticity first, and then work in tandem with those in our lives. People will understand if you choose to do something for yourself other than what they want you to do. You don’t have to be mean or harsh when you communicate your needs to those in our lives; you just need to be nice, clear, and honest.
Have people in your life who want to listen, understand, and support you in how you want to move forward.
Taking responsibility for your part in the marriage will change the dynamic of the dissolution and make it be the transformative experience that it can be. Communicate to be heard, not to drown out your spouse’s voice. Take responsibility for the mistakes that you made. Acceptance will follow.
Self-compassion and grace will meet you on the other side of taking responsibility for your actions and your words.
There is acceptance of yourself and acceptance of your spouse. Both levels of acceptance are important to move forward, especially if you will be doing co-parenting once the divorce is final.
Owning your truth, how you define yourself, the choices you make for your best life, can only be done if you stop being a victim, stop blaming anyone for your life situation, communicate honestly and congenially, and take responsibility for all of your life choices.
Wendy Sterling Biography
Wendy Sterling is a certified divorce specialist and grief consultant who has helped thousands of women design a life they choose instead of feeling stuck in the one their ex left them with. After ending her own sixteen-year marriage, Wendy saw first-hand the lack of support divorced women experience in moving through pain, fear and anger to experience joy, self-worth and freedom again. She channeled her energy into building a six-figure business in just two years that helps women heal their wounds, end their victim mindset and reclaim their identity.
Wendy’s expertise has been featured in more than 100 media outlets including NBC, Hello Divorce, Romper, Moms Moving On, The Smart Women Show and more. She is also the host of her own podcast, The Divorced Woman’s Guide, which has had over 70,000 downloads in less than two years. Wendy has also hosted summits, appeared on stages (virtual and in person), and facilitated workshops for companies across the country.
When she’s not showing her clients how to turn the most painful moment of their lives into the most empowered moment in their lives, you can find her spending quality time with her two teen boys in Los Angeles, California. Her forthcoming book, I Do, I Did, I’m Done, is due out June 22nd, 2022.
Website: www.wendysterling.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/divorcerehabwithwendy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/divorcerehabwithwendy/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-sterling-cpcc-acs-cds-and-advanced-thetahealer-34b1b95/
Tik Tok: @divorcerehabwithwendy
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Women feel financially trapped in their marriage. Stacy’s mission is to provide women with an option to leave their marriage and be financially secure. Specifically, to provide to women financial wisdom and financial security through education.
Stacy tells a story of her grandmother actually dying of financial abuse. Her grandmother died of physical abuse by her husband because she stayed in the marriage feeling financially trapped with no way out because of a lack of understanding of money, without a financial plan, and living in fear about the future, especially their financial future.
How can women without income file for divorce, hire an attorney, and know the financial picture of the marriage?
- An attorney can be paid in different ways that the woman having the money to file for divorce.
- Filing Joint tax returns will allow you to access those joint returns from the IRS. This will give you the knowledge necessary to know where you’re going financially in the divorce. And you can see if there is IRS debt.
- There is an unusual situation in that people can hide money within their IRS account by purposely overpaying their taxes so that the IRS is holding money for your spouse without you knowing that there is a surplus of money.
- Get a copy of their credit report. It can be emailed to you directly. Go to www.AnnualCreditReport.com and request your credit report. If your spouse has signed your name to loans that you didn’t know about, but you can get a better picture of what you have nd what you owe.
Income versus spending is a whole education unto itself. A good financial analyst and consultant will help you create a budget, a spending plan, and see what the woman has to do to be solvent.
Marital Debt is a huge problem if there is more debt that is known to both spouses. And, the spouse who didn’t incur the debt may be the one paying the debt if the debt was created during the marriage!!!! The creditor doesn’t care who pays it; they just want to be paid. One suggestion Stacy gave us is to get your name off of joint credit cards that may help a little is minimizing the community debt. Getting a credit report as soon as possible will give you a heads up on the financial health and welfare of the family. Jump in and get involved.
Financial date night, or a financial advisor will help you, as a woman, understand your financial health and welfare. Being strapped for time cannot be an excuse for not knowing about the family finances.
If you’re experiencing pushback from your spouse when asking to know the financial picture of your financial relationship. “A marriage is an economic union,” Stacy said. 100% transparency has to be available or you may be experiencing financial infidelity.
You could be left holding the bag, and it could be an empty bag if there is more debt than can be managed properly. If, for instance, you have taken your name off of the Visa card and your husband takes responsibility for that debt in the marital settlement agreement, Visa won’t care if your husband defaults on the Visa card. Visa will come after you to pay the debt if the debt was incurred during the marriage.
Financial Infidelity happens more than people think. Financial Infidelity is spending on things and hiding it. Not bringing home your full income is financial infidelity. Financial Infidelity means that you or your spouse are hiding spending from the partner.
In a survey of 150 divorced women, 64% felt that their husbands weren’t being truthful about their finances. That’s a big number, too big a number, for financial openness.
Three Parts to a Divorce as far as finances are concerned:
Preparing Financials
Negotiating the Settlement
Living with the Settlement
Each part of this divorce package is important to understand and to have a financial specialist to review with you. For instance, you may be house rich and cash poor by taking the house instead of cash investments, and then you’re left taking daily living expenses out of investments and savings.
Having the right divorce team is important, but having a great divorce financial analyst is the best decision you can make because divorce is all about money when dealing with the settlement and life beyond the settlement.
#financialplanning #financialinsecurity #financialinfidelity #divorcesettlement #certifieddivorcefinancialanalyst #financialabuse #FrancisFinancial #financialfreedom #money #creditreports #IRSdebt #innocentspouserelief #cashpoor
Stacy Francis Biography
Driven by her mission to give financial wisdom and freedom to women, Stacy is the founder of the non-profit Savvy Ladies™, host of the Financially Ever After podcast, and author of resource guides for women in transitional stages of life. Her practice, Francis Financial, is a fee-only boutique wealth management, financial planning, and divorce financial planning firm. Her dedication to providing ongoing comprehensive advice for successful individuals, couples, and women in transition such as divorce or widowhood. Stacy has over 20 years of experience in the financial industry and is a nationally recognized financial expert having appeared in hundreds of media outlets, industry awards, and is also an expert contributor for The Wall Street Journal.
Facebook: /Francisfinancialinc
Facebook: /StacyFrancisFinancial/
Twitter: /FrancisFinance
LinkedIn: /in/stacyfrancis
LinkedIn: /company/francisfinancialinc
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
In divorce we have Fear, we need Courage, we go through Adaptation to changing circumstances, and we need techniques for Communication to deal with the settlement.
All three of our guests, Brian Bushway, Jaimee Kadish, and Brandon Shin were born sighted and now blind. The messages they have to share are inspirational, practical, and myth-shattering.
They still have relationships, too. Access to the visual world is one thing, but relating to the emotional world is another. Visual impairment brings a different perspective to life. We see in another way, through hearing, primarily, and through touch.
Find reasons to be hopeful. Hope brings us the future.
How we face challenges is common to everyone.
Eco-location means image with sound. Blindness causes people to see their environment differently, as do people going through divorce. Neuroscientists say that we can adapt to challenges.
See with sound.
Grief and drama go along with being blind. Cry. The transition to blindness is an Emotional Roller Coaster, as is divorce. Brandon lost friends while losing his eyesight. Felt sorry for himself, grieved more, and then met Brian as a mentor for eco-location and went through a transition to living life differently.
Light and sound work from the same principles. There are characteristics of sound; sound is different depending on the shape and size of the object. There is an Acoustic vocabulary that takes over. Neuroplasticity is engaged. People’s brains can change according to what we have to work with.
Preparing for mountain biking, Brian started by walking, then running, then using his body to address and react to the sound of his environment as he moved through it.
Shattered all preconceptions about what he could do in life once he mastered biking.
All three of our guests started doing things they never thought were possible.
Physical versus emotional blindness.
Jaimee Kadish, “You can’t experience courage if you don’t deal with fear.” Grief for Jamie is a constant, so she uses it to overcome fear. Jamie works with fear and used it as an opportunity to grow.
Brandon deals with fear by quoting Mike Tyson’s coach, “Fear can cut you or it can move you forward in life.” Fear is necessary to grow.
If Jamie is resistant to things that feel uncomfortable, it creates a space between Jamie and all other emotions. If you push away the things that don’t feel good, you can’t really appreciate the things that do feel good, or the things that do feel good don’t come to you as much.
Jamie goes back and forth with sight; she is not 100% blind 100% of the time. But she chooses to close her eyes and to purposefully do some things, like dancing, unsighted.
Feeling to know as opposed to seeing to know. Know who we are and how we fit in life.
“People use the mirror to confirm insecurities,” Brian. “I broke free from the mirror!”
“Vision is being constructed in the mind,” Brian stated. “The brain can stop constructing visual information. Vision is then the picture we construct in our minds.”
Brian focuses on people’s essences. He can sense people. A visually impaired person judges people by their gate, how they walk, their shoes.
“The breath and voice are the windows to the soul,” Brian continued. The breath and the voice is coming from the inside out.
People don’t have control over their vision. They are distracted by the bright shiney objects. Brian trains sales people with their eyes closed.
How do you decide who you want to be around? Brian invests in people who want to be of service to others. I get to know people to see if those people want to invest in others.
Listen to your gut. I want to hear people talk. I only ask a few questions so that I give people a platform to let them talk without interruption. What do people project, not visually but philosophically; how do they think? How do people see the world and want to function in the world?
Communication in mediation is key. Communication is a personal and spiritual mirror of ourselves. I can see my own reflection coming off of another person. We listen to the physical world for eco-location; we can become a better listener in relationships.
What if we all closed our eyes when speaking to each other, can we have deeper relationships with each other? Having a different physical issue is a tool to determine who is right for us and who isn’t.
Adaptability and imagination are necessary to be resilient.
Creativity is a result of spiritual imagination. The roadmap is yours to determine. Am I willing to stand in uncomfortable places, uncomfortable moments, which leads to character attributes. Can’t compare the future to the past or we can’t be hopeful for the future. This is the process of growth.
We all have insecurities: Find friends, find partners to date, what I have to bring to life is the development of my passions and interests. I went from being the care receiver to the care giver. Finding creative ways to serve the people around him is one of Brian’s missions.
Jamie: Courage and faith, “Are we going to be a victim or a student of this situation? If a student, we can develop a deeper understanding of what we’re capable of.”
Brandon: “The best creative product is found through suffering. Creativity has different forms, one being resourcefulness. Lean into the thing you’re afraid of and deal with it. You’ve blinded yourself by the thing that you’re afraid of: FIND YOUR BLIND SPOTS AND THRIVE!
Find your blind spots.
#fear #blindness #courage #eco-location #trust #relationships #perseverance #personalchallenge #imagination #adaptability #communication #acousticathletics #creativity #mountainbiking #neuroplasticity
Acoustic Athletics Team Bios
Brian Bushway:
Acoustic Athletics Co-Founder
As a pioneer of human echolocation, Brian Bushway mastered the ability to “see with sound” in his late teens, was recognized as the World’s Best Totally Blind Mountain Biker in his early twenties, and spent the next fifteen years providing perceptual training for athletes, teams, individuals, and organizations around the globe. Brian is a globally recognized keynote speaker, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DIA) leader, Certified Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Instructor, employment accessibility director, TV and film production advisor, musician, technology consultant, and entrepreneur.
Most recently, Brian has launched Acoustic Athletics, a performance and development company that offers cognitive, sensory, and perceptual augmentation programs for elite athletes with his business partner Thomas Izdebski.
In addition to working with professional athletes and blind students from all backgrounds, Brian also serves as a teacher of sighted mobility instructors on the use of FlashSonar™ (a specialized form of Active Echolocation) and Perceptual Navigation strategies. He designs and implements perceptual development plans for each client, and serves families by offering informational counseling and emotional support. But his impact doesn’t end there. He has helped them create blind mobility programs and education courses on FlashSonar™, Perceptual Navigation, and family coaching. Brian’s presentations about FlashSonar™ have also been showcased at the Museums of Science and Industry in Chicago and Oregon.
Brandon Shin
Brandon Shin, born and raised in Los Angeles, California, is a third generation echolocation student under the tutelage of Brian Bushway. Diagnosed with Optic Nerve Atrophy at age ten, Brandon lost most of his vision by the age of twelve. Passionate about martial arts and combat sports, he competed in fencing during high school winning third place against sighted opponents. Brandon studied in various martial art disciplines such as MMA, JKD, FMA, Jujitsu, etc. Today, he is an avid Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner who regularly innovates and experiments with his echolocation and perceptual skills to be more functional for martial arts. He enjoys being in the mountains, especially during the winter when the air is cool and when snow is regularly in the forecast. On his spare time, Brandon enjoys music and shooting guns with his uncles.
Jaimee Kadish-
Acoustic Athletics Movement Specialist
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Jaimee is a Movement Specialist with a lifelong passion to teach. Starting her career in pursuit of professional dance, Jaimee studied classical forms of ballet and modern dance while attending numerous arts programs and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance from California State University, Long Beach. After being diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, Jaimee switched her focus from performance to physical literacy, allowing her to dive deep into the relationship between anatomy, movement and understanding how the body works, how it works in motion, and the role of foundational movement in physical fitness. Jaimee pursued her Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Education then entered the preschool classroom where she continued to develop her practice of using movement to help children learn and grow. In her role as a Certified Pilates Instructor (BASI) and Personal Trainer, she works with private clients in Los Angeles. In her role as Movement Specialist with Acoustic Athletics, Jaimee accurately analyzes clients’ movement patterns, identifies overactive/underactive muscle groups and compensations, and creates tailored training programs to enhance creative and functional movement.
My Blind Coach- Relationship/Communication Coaching
Instagram: myblindcoach
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyBlindCoach
Website: www.myblindcoach.com
Acoustic Athletics
Instagram: AcousticAthletics
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AcousticAthletics
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-h5Y_i65SZx1EWwzHXE-8Q
Website: www.acousticathletics.com
Brian Bushway
Instagram: BrianBushway
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brian.bushway.3/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnSsNx-Ql3WNNcSULXdTbug
Website: www.brianbushway.com
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Just this past week I had several of the topics on our show today come up with my clients. These topics have been mentioned separately in several of the celebrity divorce episodes, so I wanted to group them and provide thinking points for all of you.
I. Attorney Fees
- There are totally cool attorneys who would never charge their clients money just to make more money than the work that is needed. And then there are those that see wealthy clients as on-going cash machines, dollar signs, means to the attorneys’ own wealth. Horrific!
- I was told by an attorney recently that the concept of charging money to increase revenue, not as a result of providing necessary work, starts in college. Forbes.com conducted a survey in 2018 for the most and least trusted professions out of a list of 15 professions. Nurses were #1, doctors #2, lawyers #12, care salesmen #14, and Congress #15.
- The larger the hourly rate does not equal better work. The public may be fooled by the size of the hourly rate. And you know how celebrities spend top dollar. But the paperwork for a divorce is the same regardless of how much money a spouse has or an attorney charges.
- Beware of attorneys who might say something like, “Don’t speak to your spouse. All communication must go through the attorneys.” I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve heard this. Ridiculous! This is a way of creating more billable hours.
2. Don’t Play the Child and Spousal Support Game
- Kelly Clarkson doesn’t. The child and spousal support game is diminishing personal income to diminish the amount of child or spousal support obligation. Make money. No Judge will allow you to intentionally decrease your earning capacity to decrease your support obligation, especially for child support.
- You’re only hurting yourself when you try to decrease your income. Thrive. Be successful. It’s best for you and for your children. The money for child support, although it’s put into the other parent’s bank account is for food, shelter and clothing for your child. And there are so many creative ways of dealing with spousal support: Dividing an asset to weigh heavily in favor of the support recipient as opposed to spousal support; a lump sum payment that is less than the accumulation of the years to be paid for, advantaging the recipient in ways that monthly support cannot; or a smaller amount monthly over a longer period of time, or a larger amount monthly over a shorter period of time.
- Mary J. Blige said she had to start touring again to meet her spousal support obligations right after the 2022 Super Bowl Halftime Show.
- Erika Jayne said something weird on the most recent episode of the Housewives of Beverly Hills in the last episode. She said the divorce couldn’t move forward or she would owe her husband spousal support. Some of her castmates found that statement odd. I found it wrong. Spousal support is supposed to start when there are two residences, while the divorce is in process, which hers is
III. Pre-Nups and Post-Nups
- Camille and Kelsey Grammer supposedly didn’t have a pre-nup and Camille said she got 50 million dollars from the divorce settlement. You know Kim & Kanye had one, if you know anything about the business acumen of these two people. Sounds like Kelly Clarkson kind of had one. Most people who have earned and accumulated a significant amount of assets pre-marriage want them protected as separate property going into a new marriage.
- But how then do you intend to create community or shared assets? How is it possible to not create community assets during a marriage? Why would you marry if you don’t want to create something of value together – beyond your love for one another – by getting married?
- And then there’s the post-nuptial agreement, and agreement just like the pre-nup but after the marriage has taken place. These agreements seem to have more impact to me because they aren’t contingent on getting married. They are done after the marriage ceremony, which somehow translate to very serious meaning and intention to love first, and assign stuff to each other later.
IV. Social Media
- Just stop talking. Stop posting. Stop blathering your stuff everywhere. No one needs to know every detail of your life. And divorce is such an emotional roller coaster, don’t buy a ticket to the social media coaster. The ride can end in disaster. What you say on social media could set you up for adverse decisions made by the Judge, or you can expose your hand, your strategy if you’re litigating.
- Both Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have misused social media if they are invested in protecting their children from the drama of their divorce. Kanye is volatile; anything can set him off as we’ve seen if you follow him on social media. And the world doesn’t care or need to know who she’s dating until the divorce is final and the relationship is long term, committed and monogamous. Why hurt Kanye by posting about Pete Davidson? Does this really increase the number of shape wear sold?
Whether a celebrity or not, hire an attorney with a good track record, a heart, and a conscious.
Be the best earner you can be and live your life without fear of child and spousal support/alimony.
Protect separate property assets, while defining how to grow as a community, a couple, a family. Pre-Nups, Post-Nups, I say “Nope” to living completely separate financial lives as a married couple. Damn near impossible.
Social Media can become a very unsocial environment if you expose yourself and your dirty laundry of the marriage and divorce to the world.
#KellyClarkson #Adele #MaryJBlige #KimKardashian #PeteDavidson #KanyeWest #attorneyfees #divorcelawyers #LauraWasser #unethicalattorneys #PostnuptialAgreement #PrenuptialAgreements #childsupport #spousalsupport #socialmedia #mediation #divorcelitigation