Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Super Bowl Show Rappers Celebrity Divorces with Attorney Limore Mojdehiazad
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Super Bowl Show Rappers Celebrity Divorces with Attorney Limore Mojdehiazad on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast will feature Dr. Dre, Mary J. Blige, Eminem, 50 Cent, and super fan Kanye (also known as "Ye"). The topics Limore and I will be discussing are spousal support in a high net worth settlement, child support, child custody, adoption, set-parent, social media and divorce, dividing a business, pre-nuptial agreements, bifurcations, spousal privilege, parentage cases, best interests of the child, Limore Mojdehiazad is a Beverly Hills attorney with offices in Century City. Limor is a millennial, a social media commentator, and one of the most ethical attorneys in Los Angeles. Limor understands celebrities and high net worth cases. She also understands the impact of social media exposure on a Judge's decision-making. She teaches people how to deal with social media in a divorce, how to clean up your personal brand, and how to proceed in the most honest way for the most amicable outcome to a divorce or parentage case. #rappers #rapmusic #drdre #snoopdogg #eminem #kanyewest #ye #maryjblige #50cent #superbowlhalftimeshow #spousalsupport #childcustody #childsupport #bifurcation #parentalrights #parentage #THEAmicableDivorceExpert #TheAmicableDivorceExpertpodcast #attorneylimormojdehiazad #lawyerlimor @lawyerlimor #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce #superbowlhalftimeshow #superbowlshow #superbowlhalftimeshowLVI #superbowlLVI
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Romance Fraud & Financial Exploitation with Brian Stefan
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Romance Fraud & Financial Exploitation with Brian Stefan, former intelligence officer with the U.S. Department of Defense and the FBI-LAPD division before he entered the profession of therapy with a specialty in grief and suicide prevention, is our topic today on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast with Judith M. Weigle. I learned of romance fraud and financial exploitation in my work as a divorce paralegal and mediator when I saw older men who were widowers look for younger women from other countries on dating sites, a place that was foreign to them. They didn't understand that not everyone's intentions were to find true love, but to find someone who was needy enough to provide unlimited financial support for them and their families. Not that romance fraud and financial exploitation don't exist within the American population, too. It does. Brian Stefan will enlighten us about the motivations of those who perpetrate romance fraud, what romance fraud looks like, and how to extricate yourself from a relationship, a marriage that only serves to exploit you rather than add value to your life. It's hard for people who are pure of heart, and would never take advantage of someone for money, to understand that they are victims of romance fraud, yet it happens every day. There are clear signs that are similar in most cases that Brian will explain to help you understand if you are being defrauded. The result of not accepting that the person who you thought loved you really doesn't can actually be suicide if the fraud is that extreme. Are you a victim of romance fraud and financial exploitation? #romancefraud #financialexploitation #brianstefan #theamicabledivorceexpert #theamicabledivorceexpertpodcast #fraudulantmarriage #judithweigle #judithmweigle #divorce #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Divorcing a Spouse with Depression
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Brian Stefan, ACSW, MSW, psychotherapist and proud social worker specializing in grief, suicide, anxiety, and crisis response. Brian is our guest on THE Amicable Divorce Expert with Judith M. Weigle, to discuss how to divorce a spouse with depression and suicidal ideation (serious thoughts about taking one's own life). Brian provides individual, couples, and group therapy for those who are experiencing deep suffering due to profound difficulties such as grief and traumatic grief. Since divorce is a trigger for depression, understanding the conditions of grief and suicidal ideation will position the other spouse to proceed with compassion while accruing the knowledge necessary to surround both spouses with the right legal and mental health team to allow the divorce to move forward without severe complications, if possible. The spouse without depression can feel guilty about divorcing a spouse with mental health concerns, which is why both spouses will need counseling in order to properly move through the divorce. Brian's inspiration and professional influences are many, but first and foremost is the well-known television educator Fred Rogers - "Mr. Rogers" - who reminded children of all ages: "If it's mentionable, it's more manageable." Brian@wecantalkaboutsuicide.org info@spotlightonsuicide.com #BrianStefan #THEAmicableDivorceExpertpodcast #JudithWeigle #JudithMWeigle #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce #depression #suicide #suicideideation #grief #suicidal #compassion #mentalhealth #suicideanddivorce
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
How Can Love Survive a Transgender Marriage?
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
"My Husband's a Woman Now" author Leslie Hilburn Fabian, LCSW is our guest today on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast with Judith M. Weigle, sharing her journey through meeting her husband Dr. David Fabian, orthopedic surgeon, marrying David, and then confronting David's need to transition to female Deborah while Leslie considered her ability to remain in the marriage as a heterosexual woman. Leslie wanted to document her experiences as the spouse of a transgender person to give voice to those spouses confronting either the continuation of their marriage or a divorce, as the spouse of a transgender person is often overlooked. The focus is typically on the person transitioning and not on those closest to them. Loved ones of the transgender person have to somehow transition, too, in their thinking and acceptance of this major life change, their own identity if they are the spouse, and the ability for the children and extended family to have continued love beyond the gender transition. This will be controversial for some of you, and life-changing for others as you listen to Leslie's story of her life commitment to her happiness and her spouse's happiness, as well as self-love in the face of the hardest decision she's ever made, to stay or leave the marriage. #transgender #transgendermarriage #love #unconditionallove #selflove #MyHusbandsaWomanNow #marriage #amicabledivorce #LeslieFabian
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Celebrity Divorce Series: Can a Family Survive and Thrive a Gender Transformation?
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Exploring the divorce of Kris Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner gender transformation is only one aspect of the family issues they had to confront. They are also co-parents who will be in each other's lives forever. They had a blended family of eight children and several grandchildren. This marriage was not their first and probably won't be their last. And they are celebrities which means that they are constantly under public scrutiny. How did they, and how can you keep it all together if you are experiencing any or all of these aspects of divorce. #transgender #transgendermarriage #transgenderdivorce #blendedfamily #coparenting #amicabledivorce
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Dr. Anne was in her own high conflict relationship and used the same techniques for herself that she uses on her clients who cannot seem to extricate themselves emotionally, physically, and financially from their unhealthy and controlling relationships. The questions to ask yourself in order to know if you're in an unhealthy and controlling relationship: 1) Does the divorce seem never-ending: 2) Are you continually being pulled into court by your ex? 3) Are you terrified watching your court costs spiral out of control? 4) Are you confused as to why your partner will not reach an agreement? Dr. Anne will answer these questions and more.
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Leaving a Narcissistic Relationship with Denise Kavalisuskas, Transformational Love Coach will be transformative. Denise speaks from her own 22 year marriage to someone with narcissism, her journey from awareness to action, leaving one of her children with their father and taking one child with her. Denise will discuss how she came to trust herself and choose herself in order to leave her marriage, leave her extended family, move to another state, without a source of income, but with the currency that is most important...her faith and her duty to herself. Denise's choices paid off in spades. She has been happy married for 10 years, and has a flourishing career as a best-selling author and a coaching business that has no boundaries. You can do it, too!
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Career ReInvention Post Divorce with Tracy Enos, LinkedIn Expert
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Divorce is a New Beginning, both personally and professionally, especially if we have been stay-at-home parents who now have to work. Even if we have been the income earners for the family, divorce has a way of forcing us to reevaluate ourselves in order to make healthy changes as part of our growth. Divorce is emotionally and financially tough, but the silver lining is that we are positioned to evolve in ways that we wouldn't except for the fact that we had to deal with a divorce. Tracy Enos found this out as she was going through her divorce, and went from flush to fumbling for work. Through her self-determination to thrive and succeed, Tracy found that she had a gift of understanding marketing, and became an expert by accident on LinkedIn, the largest site to network for work with other professionals. Join us in this enlightening episode to reinvent your career with guidance from a professional who did it for herself.
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Celebrity Divorce Series: Bethenny Frankel
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Can High Achieving Women Have It All With One Person? Only if that one person, that husband, is also high achieving. The cultural norm is still around: Men earn more than women. When that equation is flipped, the cultural norm is challenged and in 33% of those marriages, a divorce takes place. It's very difficult for a women to be the higher wage earner and not either look down on their husbands at some point, or grow apart. Ego is involved; personal energy is different; and expectations that women were brought up with - the man is the financial rock in the family - silently gnaw at the marriage. We highlight Bethenny Frankel in our Celebrity Divorce Series because she wanted it all, with one husband, but that didn't happen. In the words of Snoop Dogg, "Game Knows Game." Those who succeed connect with those who succeed on the same level. We'll break down the aspects of Bethenny's divorce that may be part of your divorce.
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
What Is Best Interests of the Children? with Elle Barr
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Elle Barr, attorney and Judicial Educational Coordinator for Our FamilyWizard will discuss what the phrase Best Interests of the Children really means and looks like. Family law professionals use this phrase constantly, but it's the most difficult behavior to enact. Most people are so emotional during the divorce process that they can barely function. Keeping the parents' own lives together is difficult enough with working, domestic duties, children's schooling and activities, and now the co-parenting plan is added, that parents are completely stressed out. Barr will discuss some tips for focusing on the children as well as yourself and the other co-parent. Everybody does the best they can, but sometimes your best needs help. There are ways to mitigate your parental personal stress in order to focus on whatever needs to be done to keep the children balanced and healthy as the entire family goes through the divorce transition.