
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
On episode 203 of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast, you will learn the following:
- When and why people go from behaving respectfully towards one another to criticizing each other and speaking disrespectfully to each other once married.
- How to define a healthy love relationship.
- The essential need of people when they get into relationships and marriage.
- What things changed for you in your understanding of what a good love life was after you left home and engaged in romantic relationships.
- Why the divorce rate is 50% first marriages, 60% second marriages, and 70% third marriages end in divorce.
- Why someone is reluctant to make a commitment, and what you should do if that’s you.
- What makes love mysterious, hard to recognize, and difficult to get back on track.
- What “love at first sight” is.
- Question to ask if in a divorce: What did I contribute to the divorce?
- The importance of grieving a marriage before entering another relationship.
- The importance of understanding your family history and what you learned from your parents’ relationship.
#divorce #relationships #lovelife #divorcerate #familyhistory #commitment #communication #acceptance #behavioralpatterns #lovelifelearningcenter #DrThomasJordan #grief
Dr. Thomas Jordan is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City. He is on the faculty of NYU’s Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis, author of Learn to Love: Guide to Healing Your Disappointing Love Life and founder of LoveLifeLearningCenter.com. Dr. Jordan specializes in the treatment of unhealthy love lives and has been studying them for over 30 years.
Business Name: Love Life Learning Center
Email: drtmjordan@gmail.com
Website: https://lovelifelearningcenter.com/
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