
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
You will learn how gender identity affects the divorce in the following ways:
- Children have a transition to make to accept the nuances of gender switches with a parent
- Male to female didn’t want his children calling him
- Obligation of the parent to make sure the child is protected through this process
- Transitioning genders is sensitive and justifiably selfish, but with consequences of attachment to the children
- The variety of examples of gender identity is cross-dressing, transgenderism, nonbinary, bisexual
- Religion in a gender identity divorce is an issue
- Full disclosure isn’t always given to all relatives for a while
- Family therapy can help, especially in a co-parenting relationship
- Mediation is a better route to go in gender identity cases because of the potential biases of the Judge assigned to the case
- Adoption can be affected in a same sex or alternative sex marriage
- Changing the language on forms regarding gender identification has started for the adults and children
- Co-parenting can be affected if one parent cannot accept the transition of the other parent in co-parenting time
- The importance of pausing the legal divorce until the emotions of the parents and the family are settled
#gender #transgender #nonbinary #transsexual #heterosexual #homosexual #gendenridentity #divorce #gay #straight #gendercomplexities #coparenting #mediation #trial #JudgesBias #courtorder #GregLake #MeganSpomer #podcast #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce
Meagan Spomer, Esq. of Nebraska Legal Group was a prosecutor for Douglas County Child Support Enforcement. It was there that she not only gained invaluable and extensive trial experience, she also saw how wrong things can go in family law cases. Having seen the worst, Megan is committed to providing the very best representations for her clients.
Meagan co-founded the Nebraska Family Law Organization, an organization focused on increasing students’ interest in family law, as well as connecting established attorneys with law students. The organization has succeeded in bringing mentoring to students and attracting quality young lawyers to the practice of divorce and family law.
Greg Lake, Esq. of Nebraska Legal Group focuses his practice on matters with contested custody, complex financial inquiries, and unique legal questions which arise throughout divorce and custody proceedings. Greg has two young children of his own and understands the challenges that parents face when they are suddenly faced with the fact that they will not be able to see their children daily, must begin budgeting on a single income, or the many other challenges which may arise during a custody proceeding. Greg’s passion for family extends beyond the Courtroom as he volunteered to coach his son’s soccer team where he teaches teamwork, discipline, and patience. When not coaching, Greg and his family spend time putting together puzzles, going to the Zoo, and watching Husker games.
Greg applies the same principles of teamwork, discipline, and patience to the practice of law which assists clients in making the best decisions for their case. Greg excels in simplifying the complex legal questions not only for his clients but the Court as well. Taken together, these fundamentals help client’s in making decisions that will impact their financial future, and most importantly, their future with children.