Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Divorcing a Spouse with Depression
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Brian Stefan, ACSW, MSW, psychotherapist and proud social worker specializing in grief, suicide, anxiety, and crisis response. Brian is our guest on THE Amicable Divorce Expert with Judith M. Weigle, to discuss how to divorce a spouse with depression and suicidal ideation (serious thoughts about taking one's own life). Brian provides individual, couples, and group therapy for those who are experiencing deep suffering due to profound difficulties such as grief and traumatic grief. Since divorce is a trigger for depression, understanding the conditions of grief and suicidal ideation will position the other spouse to proceed with compassion while accruing the knowledge necessary to surround both spouses with the right legal and mental health team to allow the divorce to move forward without severe complications, if possible. The spouse without depression can feel guilty about divorcing a spouse with mental health concerns, which is why both spouses will need counseling in order to properly move through the divorce. Brian's inspiration and professional influences are many, but first and foremost is the well-known television educator Fred Rogers - "Mr. Rogers" - who reminded children of all ages: "If it's mentionable, it's more manageable." Brian@wecantalkaboutsuicide.org info@spotlightonsuicide.com #BrianStefan #THEAmicableDivorceExpertpodcast #JudithWeigle #JudithMWeigle #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce #depression #suicide #suicideideation #grief #suicidal #compassion #mentalhealth #suicideanddivorce